Hello there. I recently discovered this site and am so glad I did. My partner and I are expecting our second child and have been making no progress in finding a great name. Our four-year-old daughter is named Reverie [name]Alice[/name]. I’m a writer and my partner is a linguist so we love word names, foreign names, anything literary. We had no idea what we wanted for our first daughter, and one day I was reading, came across Reverie and it just fit perfectly. We love the meaning, love that it comes from French and has connections to music and art. [name]Alice[/name] honors both “[name]Alice[/name] in Wonderland” and a dear friend.
For number two, we’re stumped. We’re not sure if we want another word name. But we can’t use something normal or “blah” because it just wouldn’t stand next to Reverie.
For girls, some names we’ve considered: [name]Sonnet[/name], [name]Muse[/name], [name]Dulcet[/name], Gossamer, [name]Plum[/name], [name]Hyacinth[/name]
Boys names we’ve considered: [name]Fiero[/name], Skylark, [name]Roux[/name], [name]March[/name]
I’d love to hear your thoughts on the names listed. We’re not totally sold on any of them, but maybe you could convince us (in either direction!) We’d also love and appreciate suggestions! We live in the US and our last name is hyphenated and three syllables total.