To easily earn vast sums of Pokédollars in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, you’ll need a Sylveon, a specific TM, and a few boosting items. Preparation can take a while, but once you get things going, you might even be able to make this entire process automatic.
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First, you’ll need a Sylveon. You can do this by either evolving an Eevee into a Sylveon or catching a Sylveon out in the wild.
First, catch an Eevee and make sure its friendship is maxed out and that it has at least one Fairy move (any Fairy move will do). You can raise Eevee’s happiness by throwing picnics or walking with it. A Soothe Bell also helps a lot. Once both of these conditions are met, raise your Eevee to level 25, and you’ll have a Sylveon.
You can also find a wild Sylveon around Alfornada or West Province Area Three, but it’s a rare spawn, so I recommend the first method.
Once you have your Sylveon, you want to raise all its stats, except Attack, as high as possible. Give Sylvion Calcium (around 20 should), 2-3 Genius Feathers, some Iron, some Carbos, and some Modest Mint. Once Sylveon’s stats are up, give it an Ability Patch to learn its hidden ability: Pixelate. The reason why we need this is to turn Normal-type moves into Fairy-type ones and give them a 30 percent power boost on top of the STAB effects.
Now, use rare candy to level up Sylveon to 100, or do it the old-fashioned way. Once Sylveon is max level, take it to Hyper Training and boost all its stats except Attack. After this, you’ll have one very powerful Sylveon.
The next thing we need to do is equip our Sylveon with an Amulet Coin. Don’t worry; it’s really easy to get. You just have to beat five trainers in Area Three’s West Province and then claim it from the Pokémon League representative.
Last but not least, we need TM 117, Hyper Voice. This will be the move that will win all our battles and essentially earn all our money.
Now you are ready. Go to the Pokémon Academy and start the Academy Ace Tournament. Use Sylveon’s Hyper Voice to one-hit-kill every opponent and earn around 26,000 Pokédollars per battle.
Now, here’s the best bit. If you have a turbo controller, you can make this entire process automatic. First, ensure that Sylveon’s Hyper voice is the first (top) move for easy selection. Second, ensure that Sylveon is the only Pokémon in your party (to prevent switching Pokémon between battles). Finally, go to the Ace Academy Tournament clerk and press Turbo A. Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy watching your Sylveon and your Turbo Controller make some serious money for you. You can still do it without a turbo controller, but you’ll have to mash the A button constantly.
If this seems too much work, you can also try the infinite money-making trick.