The King of Cups tarot card represents maturity, creative thinking, and wisdom. You might think this card has strong masculine energy, but it has a lot to do with emotions, as well.
When this card comes up in a tarot reading, it speaks of compassion and kindness. The King is strong and powerful, but he is aware of his feelings and the feelings of those around him.
Table of Contents
Before diving deeper into this king’s card meaning, first a quick overview of the most important words connected to the King of Cups.
Upright | Good advice, creativity, wisdom |
Reversed | Unproductive, unreliable, intolerant |
Yes or No | Yes |
Element | Water |
Planet | Neptune |
Astrological Sign | Pisces |
To fully understand the King of Pentacles tarot card meaning, we will first take a look at the illustration, its colors, and its symbolism.

The King of Cups tarot card depicts a king sitting on his throne. On one hand, he holds a cup symbolizing his emotions. On the other, he holds a scepter, showing power and control.
The fish jumping in his necklace represents his creativity and spirit.
The king stares off into the distance as if in deep thought, suggesting that he thinks his actions through before making a move.
Despite the turbulent sea, the king looks calm and confident. This shows us that he can master his emotions and keep his cool even in turbulent situations.
King of Cups Tarot Meaning
The King of Cups is all about emotional maturity and signifies growing into a more balanced and responsible person. If this card shows up, you are entering an era where you will be more aware of how your actions affect you and those around you. This awareness helps you to see a situation with compassion and nuance and act accordingly.
When you are faced with a difficult situation, this card encourages you to act like the King. Rather than giving in to your first hot-tempered instinct, pause, observe, and then react more carefully and productively.
By doing so, it will be easier to successfully navigate your entire emotional spectrum, taking responsibility for how you feel about yourself, others, and the world around you.
If you realize that you still have careless habits that are hurting other people, you may have a few changes to implement so that you can become a better version of yourself. This will help you to find emotional balance, connection, and true belonging in the emotional and material worlds.
So, if you get the upright cup king, trust the process and know that when all is said and done, it will be well worth it.
Money and Career Meaning
If the King of Cups appears in a career reading, things should be going well at work. You use your head when thinking through problems at work, and it always leads you in the right direction.
Positive thoughts and intentions drive your interactions with clients and coworkers, and you are probably known to share your wisdom to elevate others.
You are happy at work, and you know where you stand. Overall, you are well-liked and successful in your professional endeavors, and there is no end to this in sight.
In a financial context, the upright King of Cups is a good sign. It encourages you to use your wisdom to guide you. If someone presents an investment idea to you, make sure you have all the facts before agreeing to participate. Intuition rules here.
Love and Relationships Meaning
In a love reading, the King of Cups represents a good father and husband. It is a positive omen for your relationship as your partner will be very loving and supportive of you and your needs.
As a result, passion and intimacy will be in a good place, and you should find joy in your relationship. If you have been struggling to get along with your partner, the hard times will soon be over.
You will both move on to a more mature way of handling your relationship problems, and your partnership will be strengthened as a result.
If you are single, the King of Cups represents an upstanding suitor capturing your attention. You have spent time alone and have learned your value.
You are now ready to get back out there and meet the person that you are meant to be with. Don’t be scared to be vulnerable around this person – he is trustworthy and wishes to support and love you the way you deserve.
Health and Spirituality Meaning
In a health reading, the King of Cups bodes well for you. In regards to physical health, it indicates healing and deliverance from sickness and disease.
On the emotional front, you will be feeling stable and secure. You will overcome this difficult emotional period quickly. Overall, you can expect to be in good health as long as you take care of yourself and spend time focusing on yourself.
King of Cups Reversed
In this paragraph, we will talk a bit more about what it means if you’ve pulled the King of Cups tarot card in the reversed position.

The King of Cups reversed is not the best omen as it stands for being too sensitive and overreacting based on your emotions.
It can also be a sign that you are allowing yourself to be taken advantage of because you are too trusting or gullible. If this resonates with you, the best thing you can do is resolve to be responsible for your own emotions.
Don’t allow your inner peace to be controlled by anyone on the outside. If you see someone taking advantage of you, speak up. This is not acceptable behavior from anyone worth having in your life.
The King of Cups in this position can also call attention to an unbalanced emotional state. These emotions that you feel can leave you feeling anxious or depressed. While these feelings are a normal reaction to the upset you feel inside, you do have the control to change them.
If you are feeling helpless or alone, reach out to a close friend or family member for help. Depending on how strongly you feel, you might also consider reaching out to a professional like a therapist or counselor. Ultimately, it is up to you to take care of your emotional well-being.
King of Cups: Yes or No
The King of Cups is confident and secure. He is wise and makes decisions based on his head and not his feelings. He is generous, caring, and friendly to anyone that crosses his path.
Since the overall implication of this card is favorable, the answer to your yes or no question is yes.
King of Cups and Astrology
The King of Cups is mostly connected to the zodiac sign Pisces. This sign tells us that he is both spiritual but also able to break down barriers with his masculine energy. His sensitivity on the other hand gives him deep empathy and makes him loved. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams, the imagination, and all things spiritual.
Important Card Combinations
Good advice, creativity, wisdom, and reliability: that’s what this King stands for. Yet, combined with other cards, he can also serve as a warning sign, indicate arguments.
King of Cups and The Devil
When the King of Cups and the Devil appear in a spread together, it serves as a warning of a manipulative person in your life. You need to pay close attention to your relationships to ensure that each person close to you is adding value to your life.
Is there anyone that takes more than they give? It may be time to talk to this person about changing their behavior. If they resist, now is an excellent time to cut ties with them.
King of Cups and The Tower
If the King of Cups and The Tower come up in the same reading, it is indicative of arguments. You might find yourself fighting more than normal with your partner.
These could be serious arguments or minor disagreements about petty things.
Regardless of the situation, you can take steps to fix this problem. Open and frequent communication is the easiest way to get past problems like these.
Consider taking time each night to talk to one another about your feelings. This will make a world of difference in healing your relationship!
King of Cups and Queen of Swords
This duo with the Queen of Swords denotes opposites coming together. There may be a situation arising in your life in which you need to unite with someone different than you for the greater good.
Perhaps you have a sick family member, and you need to come together with a family you don’t like in support of their recovery. This may be difficult for you but try to think of the big picture.
You can gain strength and the will to persevere if you remember the person you are doing this for and how much it means to them.
King of Cups and King of Pentacles
This card combination tells of a career change on the horizon. Have you been thinking about switching jobs? It is in the cards that your venture will be successful. These kings tell you that now is a great time to push forward and chase your dreams – you deserve it!
King of Cups Tarot Cards
Although I write all the descriptions based on the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, I’m a big fan of other decks too. And luckily there are so many super cool tarot decks out there!
Below you can find a small selection of beautiful King of Cups tarot cards. If you created a King of Cups card yourself and want to share this, I would love to hear from you!

That’s all for the King of Cups Tarot card meaning! If you have pulled this tarot card in your spread, did the meaning make sense to your situation in life? Do you feel like growing into a more responsible person? Are you becoming a better version of yourself?
In the end, this will make you a well-liked and successful person so it will definitely be well worth it.
Our community loves to hear about spot-on readings so please take a minute to let us know in the comments below!