Heres Where to Take a Gap Year in 2024

July 2024 · 9 minute read

So you’ve decided to take a gap year? Fantastic! So...where should you begin? There are lots of ways to help narrow down your gap year search, like finding the kinds of activities you want to pursue. Easy enough! But what if you can do those activities in lots of places? Then how do you decide where to take a gap year?

best places to take a gap year

There’s so many incredible destinations to choose from!

Perhaps there’s a location you’ve been wanting to visit for years. Maybe there’s a place you’ve recently become interested in, or you’ve discovered a certain type of food you could eat for a year straight. Or maybe you’re just open to anywhere in the world. 

We can help you figure out where to go on a gap year and inspire you to explore places and cultures beyond what you know! Discover some of the best places to go on a gap year below.

When should you take your gap year?

Planning a gap year is a lot more than just deciding where to go and then going. You have to plan a little bit more than that, especially in regard to timing. But don’t worry! Timing a gap year is going to be the least of your troubles.

Long story short: You can take a gap year pretty much anytime! The two most common time frames to go on a gap year are in between high school and college, and right after graduating from university...but don’t let that limit you.

where to take a gap year

Why put a time limit on adventure?

Many people want to switch industries or take a career break, so a gap year is also another great transitional stepping stone beyond young adulthood. Maybe you’ve started college and aren’t sure which direction to go in. A gap year can give you the opportunity to figure it out, so you’ll return to school with more focus and a better idea of what you want in the future.

Although gap years after high school are the most common, other timeframes are gaining steam across the board, so don’t be afraid to choose the best time for you. Only you know what’s best for you and your goals.

What makes a good gap year destination?

10 best places to take a gap year

1. Thailand

best places to go on a gap year

An adventurous gap year in paradise? Sign us up!

If you want to know where to take a gap year in Asia, Thailand hits so many of the points listed above, such as mouth-watering food and affordable living costs. You can focus on experiencing the culture, nature, and wonder of life in Thailand, which is why it’s such a popular place to take a gap year

Not only will you have a chance to experience the bustling pace of a Thai city, but you will also be able to relax on the beach and take in the sun, giving you great stories and adventures to share with everyone back home. From teaching English to working with animal conservation, you’ll easily find the right project for you.

Recommended gap year programs in Thailand:

2. New Zealand

New Zealand is another one of the best places to go on a gap year, and for good reason! With breathtaking landscapes and pristine nature across the country, New Zealand is a perfect backdrop to any of your gap year goals, offering a little something for everyone.

You can use this opportunity to build your outdoor leadership skills in the alpine mountains and coastal beaches, or you can live on a budget while working your way across the country. Whatever you choose, you’ll find it easy to get started with a working holiday visa.

Recommended gap year programs in New Zealand:

3. USA

where to take a gap year

There are countless destinations to explore in the US.

A country spanning a continent (and more!), you could easily spend more than a gap year in the United States. Because each region has its own unique culture and history, you can spend your time learning about anything from the Revolutionary War, to the Wild West, to modern art and more.

You may think you know what to expect based on all the movies and TV shows about the US, but you’ll soon find out you don’t know anything at all. Use this as an opportunity to improve your English, or, if you’re a US citizen, take the chance to explore parts of your home country you may have never seen otherwise.

Recommended gap year programs in the USA:

4. Australia

If you’re looking to take a giant leap during your gap year, why not go to the other side of the world to Australia? The Land Down Under offers working holiday visas, helping you to earn some spending money while traveling around and immersing yourself in different local cultures.

Although Australia is a little more expensive than other options on this list, there are ways to work around those costs, allowing you to focus on what you want to accomplish—like seeing kangaroos, or exploring beaches and cities in your free time.

Recommended gap year programs in Australia:

5. South Africa

best places to go on a gap year

From top to bottom, you’ll find inspiration in South Africa.

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Well, maybe just lions, but also giraffes, wildebeests, zebras, elephants, and other African animals. In South Africa, you’re guaranteed to gain a greater appreciation for wildlife and conservation by getting up close and personal.

By volunteering in wildlife conservation, education, or marine research, you can be sure that your gap year in South Africa is going to be impactful, while also giving you time to go on safaris, visit Table Mountain, or relax in wine country.

Recommended gap year programs in South Africa

6. India

India is another popular destination for gap year travelers, not only because it’s so budget-friendly, but because of its diversity. You can travel throughout this vast country and experience new cultures, languages, and cuisines everywhere you go.

In your free time between traveling, volunteering, or other gap year activities, you can participate in some of the lively festivals central to Indian culture, visit important historical landmarks, and see how spicy the food can really get.

Recommended gap year programs in India:

7. Chile

where to take a gap year

Spend your gap year exploring the magnificence of the Andes.

If you’re looking to brush up on your Spanish and explore the astounding mountains in Patagonia during your gap year, Chile is waiting for you! From surfing to glaciers, there’s plenty to explore in this South American country.

Chile is one of the safest countries in South America, and it’s also cheaper than other popular destinations in Europe, Australia, and the US, so your hard-earned money will go further. Dive into the Spanish language and sharpen your skills!

Recommended gap year programs in Chile:

8. Vietnam

Are you a foodie who wants to explore some of the fresh flavors of street food in Asia? Look no further than Vietnam! With food stalls on nearly every corner, you can satisfy your craving while traveling between all your gap year activities. Vietnam is also a great place to go if you’re looking to really stretch your dollar.

With gap year activities dedicated to volunteer work, teaching, scuba diving, and adventure travel, you can build new skills in a great location. Although it may be typically bypassed as a gap year destination in favor of Thailand, why not break the cycle and forge your own path?

Recommended gap year programs in Vietnam:

9. Spain

best places to go on a gap year

Spain is a lot more than fiestas and siestas.

Have you always dreamed of going to Europe and walking around the cobblestone streets? You can spend a year doing that in Spain! Spain is one of the best places to take a gap year, as you’ll be able to practice or build new language skills, enjoy the Mediterranean weather, and discover their art and culture.

While in Spain, you can build work experience, teach English, help with conservation, or learn about historical influences in each region. A safe destination with accessible public transportation, you’ll have no trouble adapting to life abroad.

Recommended gap year programs in Spain:

10. Ireland

Ireland is another top destination for gap year travelers because of its beautiful green landscape, English language, and history (and maybe the beer!). There is no reason why you shouldn’t consider Ireland in your gap year travel list. 

With plenty of castle tours, highland hikes, and pub crawls, you will have many things to occupy your time in Ireland, as well as the opportunity to meet other friendly travelers. Ireland is known for its unique cultural heritage, but it’s best you find out for yourself.

Recommended gap year programs in Ireland:

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Leap into your future with a gap year!

where to take a gap year

A gap year can shape your entire future.

We know that planning for a gap year can be both exciting and overwhelming. There are so many decisions to make, and it’s hard to narrow down your top choice. However, figuring out where to take a gap year is ultimately one of the best parts of the experience.

If you’re having trouble deciding where to go on a gap year, don’t worry! There are lots of gap year programs that bring you to multiple countries, or you can participate in a couple of programs over the course of a year. You don’t have to limit yourself to one choice if you don’t want to.

The best places to go on a gap year are different for everyone, so don’t be afraid to explore more options if you find a place that just clicks for you. It’s also important to keep in mind that your gap year is what you make it! So where’s your best place to take a gap year?

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