Feebas is one of the many returning Pokemon you can encounter in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s The Teal Mask DLC. You’ll have a chance to track it down as you explore the new region, Kitakami. When you find it, you’ll have a chance to register it to your Pokedex, one step closer to filling out the rest of the Kitakami Pokedex.
However, you’ll still need to evolve Feebas into a Milotic. You won’t be able to do this by merely leveling up Feebas. Instead, there’s a specific way you have to do it. Here’s what you need to know about how to find and evolve Feebas in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s The Teal Mask DLC.
Table of ContentsWhere to Find Feebas in The Teal Mask

Tracking down Feebas won’t be easy, but you can narrow down the locations you have to look at. As you might expect, as a fish Pokemon, Feebas prefers to remain in the water, and you’ll have to check the various water sources in the Kitakami region to narrow down your search. However, it won’t simply be out in the open. Feebas is a tricky Pokemon to find in The Teal Mask, and the way you can go about tracking it down is by traveling to the center of the map, to the Crystal Pool, and investigating the various caves in this area, shortly after you’ve begun your adventure in The Teal Mask DLC.

When you head inside the cave, you’re going to fall down a good way, and then you’ll be trapped in a rocky area. Thankfully, there is a way out, but you’ll fall through another cave opening, which will place you in water. You then want to turn to the right, where you’ll find a small cave off to the side, and this is the area where you can find Feebas in the Teal Mask DLC region.

It did take me several tries for Feebas to formally spawn for me. I had to leave and return several times before a Feebas would appear for my version of the game. Hopefully, you have better luck than me having it spawn immediately for you.
How to Evolve Feebas Into Milotic in The Teal Mask

Like many Pokemon, Feebas requires a specific item to become Milotic. The evolution item you’re looking for is the Prism Scale, and you need to give it to Feebas. You can find it in the form of a Pokeball to the east side of Fellhorn Gorge while exploring the Kitakami region when you launch The Teal Mask.
Once you give it to Feebas, the next thing you need to do is trade it with another player. Feebas will immediately evolve into Milotic, and if the other player returns this Pokemon to you, you can register Milotic to your Pokedex, bringing you one step closer to completing the Teal Mask DLC collection.
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Zack Palm
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