Castles & Crusades: Best Books?

July 2024 ยท 1 minute read
So, today I ordered both C&C Players Handbook and C&C Monsters & Treasure, locally, today. Those will be my 2nd and 3rd Castles and Crusades books. I already found a copy of Dark Chateau. :D

Of course, I want to find the other Castle Zagyg books; however, I know that will be very hard to asccomplish. Therefore, I'm wondering what else I should be looking at for C&C.

What's the skinny on the current product line from Troll Lord Games? Which of the adventures are great? Which are so-so? Which is better, Ring of Brass or Haunted Highlands? Which supplements are truly essential?

Plus, what other 3PPs are making C&C-compatible books?


