The Festival of Colors 2022 event has arrived to Pokémon Go, where you’ll be able to encounter Oricorio throughout the world. This Pokémon has four unique forms you can catch and find in the wild, depending on your location in the world. Alongside this event will be a Collection Challenge where you’ll need to find multiple Pokémon appearing in the invite. In this guide, we cover how to complete the Festival of Colors 2022 Collection Challenge in Pokémon Go.
The Festival of Colors 2022 event will be held from March 15 to 20. You have until this time to complete the Collection Challenge before you are unable to any of the rewards.
All Pokémon in Festival of Colors 2022 Collection Challenge
These are all Pokémon you will need to catch to complete this Collection Challenge.
- Catch a Drowzee
- Catch a Gligar
- Catch a Horsea
- Catch an Oricorio
- Catch a Slugma
- Catch a Taillow
- Catch a Trapinch
- Catch a Turtwig
Rewards: 20,000 XP, 3,000 Stardust, and an Oricorio encounter
These Pokémon featured in the challenge will be available in the wild. You will not have to use a Raid pass or attempt to hatch an egg to catch all of them.
About the author

Zack Palm
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