Has someone wronged you, or better yet, have you hurt someone? Now is the time to settle old accounts, take responsibility for your actions, and wait for the dust to settle. Card number XI (or sometimes number XIII) is called Justice, and its meaning is just that.
Justice focuses on righting our wrongs, getting what we are owed, and karmic results (both good and bad). It’s usually connected with the legal system, but not all scores will be settled in court.
Many life lessons play out in an arena that is disconnected from judges and jurors. One great thing about this card is that it always brings a fair outcome that will even the playing field for everyone involved.
Table of Contents
Before diving deeper into the upright- and reversed Justice tarot card meaning, and its connection to love, work, and life, below a quick overview of the most important words connected to this Major Arcana card.
Upright | Fairness, integrity, legal disputes, cause and effect, life lessons |
Reversed | Injustice, dishonesty, failure to take responsibility, deceitful practices, negative karma |
Yes or No | Neutral |
Dressed in a red cloak, Lady Justice dons both a crown and a raised balance scale. This scale is a symbol for reasonable and unprejudiced decisions.

The sword in her other hand represents the ‘swift hand of justice’ that is prepared to rain down on us all, should we make the wrong choices. A physical reminder of the outcomes of our actions, she represents both fairness and the law.
The importance of committing to honesty, seeking equality, and balancing all factors is shining through this Major Arcana card.
In the upright position, the Justice tarot card represents cause and effect as well as balanced thought and action.
There are times when we find ourselves the victims of someone else’s malicious intent. If you have been wronged in any way, Justice arrives to restore balance and order.
This isn’t to say that things will work out the exact way that you would like them to. However, pulling this card in reading does give support to the adage “All’s well that ends well.”
Have you ever heard the phrase “getting your just desserts?” This means to get what you are owed finally.
When it comes to money, the Justice tarot card will hand-deliver any ‘just desserts’ you might be expecting, making a very lucky card in financial readings.
The same is true of workplace and friendship drama. If someone has wronged you, prepare to be vindicated publicly.
As far as warnings, Justice sends out a clear message: do not partake in any corrupt or deceitful practices. Although quick money schemes can be tempting, they always come with karmic baggage. It’s best to steer clear.
In the love and relationship arena, the Justice tarot card represents decisions and choices. Do you know your worth? Settling for less than you deserve, whether single or committed, is never an option.
Sometimes this means staying single even when you see everyone else getting engaged or married. Other times it means leaving a relationship that you once cherished. Justice urges you to be true to yourself first and then move forward.
If you’re going through the ending of a relationship, a legal battle could be looming. It’s hard to say whether things will (or won’t) work out in your favor. Still, Justice can represent life lessons that will help you elevate to a higher plane regardless of the outcome.
This Justice tarot card is pretty straightforward, when it comes to health and spirituality, at least. Justice is all about balance in every area of life. Are you taking care of yourself the way that you should be? ‘
Self-care’ has become such an overused term that most of us overlook it when we see it. But taking care of your mind, body, and spirit is your most important job.
If you’re overwhelmed by the thought of this or don’t know where to begin, start slowly. Think of three goals and take baby steps toward each before you know it, total equilibrium!
There is an imbalance of some kind. Usually, Justice appears in the reversed position when you or someone else is being mistreated.

Falseness and vindictiveness might also be at play. Do you feel that you are being victimized? Is someone being honest or deceitful?
Remember, the only person you can control is you. Resist the urge to fight back or seek vengeance. Take responsibility for your own actions and decisions. Karmic Justice will take care of the rest.
The reversed Justice tarot card can also indicate an unethical deed or action where you didn’t take your responsibility. Are you trying to run away from the consequences of this deed? Is it at the same time eating your consciousness?
If so, remember that you can’t change the past or undo your actions. Instead, take your responsibility, learn from your mistakes and move on!
Justice in a Yes or No Reading
Justice is all about fairness, balance, and neutrality. For this reason, it isn’t a card that is typically used to determine yes or no.
If you are only seeking this type of answer, ask yourself these questions: Is _____ in my best interest? Will _____ affect me or someone else negatively?
If I get a yes (or no) will I truly be happy? Meditating on these questions will give you the answers you seek.
Important Justice Tarot Card Combinations
Justice focuses on getting what you deserved and karmic results (both good and bad). Also in combination with other cards represents fairness, integrity, legal disputes. Below you can find the most important Justice tarot card combinations.
Justice and the Tower
When these two Major Arcana cards pair together, harmony is about to be restored – but not before a period of difficult change, which is indicated by the Tower

Sometimes we must be willing to walk through the fire to get to what waits on the other side. As difficult as it might be, do not resist the change or avoid the pain. You were headed in the wrong direction before, but a U-turn is possible.
Justice and Judgement
A lot of people confuse these two cards. Although they have some similarities, there are key differences between the two. Justice usually represents the decision-making period while judgement symbolizes the time right after when everything is new.

When combined together, the two cards ask you to do two things: accept your past and decide on your future path.
There is no benefit of harboring guilt or shame. Accept your mistakes and any consequences that manifested because of prior decisions. Only then will you be ready to rise to a new vibrational level.
Challenging times are upon you (or heading your way), and preparation is key. When Justice and Strength connect in a reading, your Spirit Guides want you to know that you have the power to win the war.

This doesn’t mean that it will be easy. Take some time to be alone and harness your inner power. What skills do you have to help you make it through the tough days ahead? Armor yourself with these.
The Justice tarot card often represents legal matters, and when linked with the Hierophant or the Emperor, this meaning is intensified. If you’re not currently in a legal battle, one could be looming.
Or perhaps, you need to proceed with caution when it comes to matters of the law or regulation.
If you want to reconcile a situation, this combination suggests the situation will work itself out in a way that is fair for all parties.
Although I write all the descriptions based on the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, it doesn’t mean that I use other decks too
And there are so many stunning decks out there! I can lose myself browsing and searching the web for beautiful tarot cards.
Below you can find a small selection of beautiful Justice tarot cards. If you created a Justice tarot card yourself and want to share this, I would love to hear from you!

That’s all for the Justice tarot card meaning! Can’t get enough? Learn how to read Tarot in this Tarot Beginners Guide or read more about the other major arcana cards here
If you have pulled the Justice tarot card in your spread, did the meaning make sense to your situation in life?