Modern Warfare 3 Tac Stance explained

July 2024 ยท 3 minute read

When to use Tac Stance

Tac Stance can take a little getting used to, but it's essential if you want to take enemies down quickly at close range. Hip fire has been tweaked, and as such, it's pretty useless in MW3. Use Tac Stance in its place, when sliding around corners, or when in tight spaces.

Modern Warfare 3's Tac Stance is a brand-new mechanic that aims to bridge the gap between hip-fire and aiming-down sights (ADS). It's turned on by default and will activate when aiming while sliding. It can take some getting used to, however, which is where we come in.

Modern Warfare 3 is currently live in all regions, bringing a host of new mechanics and features. From what we've played so far, the game falls short of being a real contender for our best FPS games list but could improve if it manages to offer engaging post-launch content.

Here's what you need to know about Tactical Stance in Modern Warfare 3, including a look at how to activate it, and what it does.

Modern Warfare 3 Tac Stance explained

Tac Stance is a new mechanic added to Modern Warfare 3 at launch. It allows you to shift your weapon to the side, to use alternate sights. Fire grouping changes, allowing you to hit enemies quickly at close range. Here's how Tac Stance works:

Generally, use Tac Stance when rushing into buildings, in tight corridors and when sliding towards an enemy. It's a lot better than hip-fire in this game.

Modern Warfare 3 change Tac Stance settings

While you cannot switch off Tac Stance completely in Modern Warfare 3, you can change the ways in which it activates. Navigate to the settings menu, look under 'Gameplay', and then find 'Tactical ADS Activation'. You can then choose from the following options:

Note that by turning Tac Stance off here, it will still activate when aiming while sliding. Currently, this is the default for the game, and there's been no official word on whether players will get more options in the future.

So there you have it, that's what you need to know about Tactical Stance. For more on the game, be sure to check out our look at all of the Modern Warfare 3 maps that have been confirmed so far. Elsewhere, check out our best Striker loadout for one of the best SMG setups in the game.
