There is lots of talk about nicknames on Nameberry, but I am realizing that the way that I define that may not be the same way as other people do.
I distinguish between nicknames and pet names/terms of endearment. For instance, my name is [name]Alison[/name]. That is how I introduce myself, it is how I think of myself, and how the vast majority of people I know refer to me. However, there are a couple of close friends and my grandfather who call me [name]Ally[/name]. I don’t consider [name]Ally[/name] to be a nickname, it is a pet name. People who are close to me use it in a very personal and affectionate manner.
I think that this is very different from someone with the given name [name]Alexandra[/name] who introduces herself as [name]Lexie[/name] that is how everyone refers to her and thinks about her. That is what I think of as a nickname. Something that you routinely use instead of your given name.
Is this how others define it? When people talk about nicknames on this site, which usage are they referring to?