Are you looking for Roaring Moon and Iron Valiant in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet? You've come to the right place!
First Published December 5, 2022, 13:03
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet introduced 107 brand-new Pokémon spread across the Paldea region for aspiring masters to battle and capture. Of these 107, some of the most unique are the Paradox Pokémon. Depending on your game, you will either encounter past forms or future forms of already existing Pokémon with strange names and unique designs. All of these Pokémon share the same base stat total, apart from two outliers.
Roaring Moon and Iron Valiant have a higher base stat total than their Paradox Pokémon peers, sitting at a comfortable 590 (10 less than pseudo-legendaries). These two Pokémon also don't appear in most locations throughout the Zero Gate.
This article will cover where you can find Roaring Moon and Iron Valiant in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
Where To Catch Roaring Moon and Iron Valiant In Pokémon Scarlet And Violet
Firstly, in order to find Roaring Moon and Iron Valiant, you must have access to the Zero Gate. This is a late-game area only accessible after having defeated all 8 Gyms plus the Elite Four, all Team Star bases, and every Titan Pokémon.
Once that is done, make your way to Area 3 by walking or using the teleporter. After exiting the building, immediately head left and stick close to the rocky mountainside on your left-hand side. Continue straight, and as you are about to round the corner, you should come across a narrow entrance.
Head inside and follow the path around, which should lead you to a large open area with markings on the ground and a waterfall to the side. Both Roaring Moon and Iron Valiant can be found and only found in this location.
Check out this video below for a more visual look at where you can access this hidden cave area.
Both Roaring Moon and Iron Valiant are incredibly powerful Pokémon that only become stronger thanks to their signature abilities, Protosynthesis and Quark Drive, respectively.
As it stands, Roaring Moon is being considered slightly more viable for competitive play at this point. It has monstrous Attack and Speed and can negate its 4x weakness to Fairy-type Pokémon by Terrastalizing it into a Steel-type Pokémon.
Iron Valiant is also good but has high Attack and Special Attack (meaning it should be run as a mixed attacker). Unfortunately, this often means that some of its stats will be wasted, as investing in both Attack and Special Attack is rarely a good idea. That's all about how to get Iron Valiant and Roaring Moon.
For more on the game, check out our dedicated section to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet news, guides, and more!
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All featured images courtesy of Game Freak / The Pokémon Company.