This miracle outplay shows Sera control is one of the most overpowered decks in Marvel Snap

July 2024 · 3 minute read

The meta decks in Marvel Snap change from time to time thanks to the nerfs and buffs being implemented to the game on a regular basis. But there are some decks that stay in the meta for a long time because of their consistency and proven winning image, including the popular Sera control deck.

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The Sera control deck revolves around the strategy of using Sera’s ability to lower the cost of its user’s cards in hand. Sera is a five-cost, four-Power card that has an ability that reads “Ongoing: Cards in your hand cost 1 less.” Playing it on turn five can pave the way for the multiple card drops on turn six, known as the “miracle plays.” These final turn plays vary from using control effects to disrupt your opponent’s strategy, gaining more Power in the last turn, destroying your opponent’s cards, and more.

Reddit user _darshan_ posted a screen recording earlier today of how they managed to beat their opponent by using the miracle strategy provided by the Sera control deck. The user’s opponent played the classic Odin strategy to reactivate Ironheart’s Power boost for a total of six times thanks to Wong. This resulted in the creation of multiple high-Powered units, such as a 26-Power Odin, a 30-Power Wong, a 24-Power Zabu, a 28-Power Demon, and a 32-Power Hood.

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In theory, the multiple high-Powered units created by the user’s opponent can be hard to deal with if you plan on winning the locations by overpowering them. But _darshan_’s plan to use the power of the Sera control deck was on full display, making the opponent lose in an instant.

Sera’s presence allowed the user to play multiple cards on the final turn. The first one was the Shang-Chi play, where it destroyed the 26-Power Odin, 30-Power Wong, and 24-Power Zabu in one location. The second was the one-cost Sentinel play, followed by Nova, and ended with the Killmonger play that destroyed Nova to grant plus-one Power to all of the other cards used by _darshan_, as well as the destruction of the 28-Power Demon and 32-Power Hood. All of the miracle plays on that turn also boosted the Power points of Angela and Bishop in the process.

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Other users praised these plays, with some questioning the opponent’s decision to risk eight cubes while using a Wong deck to face a Sera deck. With more support cards for the Sera control deck being released, such as Hit-Monkey, and the return of Kitty Pryde coming soon, we may see this archetype in the meta for a long time.
