New York, NY - ( NewMediaWire ) - June 27, 2020 - If you’re looking to build muscle mass and strength, Steel Supplements has a solid diverse lineup of products.
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If you use any form of social media, then you’ve most probably come across a variety of different products made by Steel Supplements. Steel Supplements are endorsed by some big names like Dan Bilzerian (Instagram: @DanBilzerian) and Robert Frank.
You’ll find fat burners, pre-workouts, testosterone boosters, prohormones products in their line up of bodybuilding supplements. They also have premade muscle building stacks to optimize training and sleep.
As most consumers would tell you, they are big fans of the legal prohormones ( andro supplements ) that Steel Supplements sell. They are by far the strongest muscle building supplements and the closest thing to real steroids you’ll find on the market.
If you read Steel Supplements user Reviews across eCommerce sites like Amazon, GNC, etc., one thing is for sure that all of their products contain very effective ingredients. The guys behind are one of the very few companies to take product formulation very seriously.
Steel Supplements 1-Andro
1-Andro is one of the STEEL’s favorites that many pro bodybuilders abide by. The reason why most of them love this prohormone is that it’s very effective yet has little to no side effects.
You’ll experience no water retention or other sides when using it. It’s the perfect supplement for bulking up and gaining size whilst staying lean.
When using the andros, you can efficiently gain 10 lbs of lean muscle mass when they are used correctly. Keep in mind, since this is a powerful Testosterone booster, you’ll have to take their Alpha AF as a Post Cycle therapy.
Over the last few years the serious body builders have been using the alternative legal steroids and achieving amazing results. Legal steroids like Androstenedione ( andro), 1-Andro ,1-AD, 1-test and 4-Androstenedione are the closest thing to real steroids and some of these are available legally.
Steel Supplements 1-Andro can also be stacked with other STEEL’s andro products.
Checkout this list of Best selling andro supplements (including Andro stacks).
These alternative steroids fall into the category of prohormones when used correctly are both a safe and effective way to enhance and boost strength, energy and muscle recovery.
The first legal steroid that bodybuilders used and promoted was Androstenedione. This is also known as a prohormone and was first used by East German athletes to enhance their performance and was their secret weapon for some time.
STEEL supplements offer several types of andros: 1-andro, 4-andro, 3-epi-andro (for weight loss), 7,3-andro, 19-nor-andro, 17a-andro etc.
Pre-workout supplement by Steel Supplements
What particularly is their most interesting pre-workout, is the STEEL Supplements AMPED-AF. Though while ordering, you would see that Steel also makes CHARGED-AF and PUMPED-AF.
AMPED-AF Quick Overview: This is the most ultra-high stimulant pre-workout option out of the 3. You can still stack PUMPED-AF with this, but it already has enough of peak caffeine and nootropic capacity. The product has a highly efficient blend of hardcore stimulants that other brands won’t take the chance on.
CHARGED-AF Quick Review: This was their first pre-workout. STEEL CHARGED-AF can be considered a milder high-stimulant product in comparison to AMPED-AF. Although this is also very caffeinated, this version is friendlier on the body than AMPED-AF.
PUMPED-AF Quick Review: Some people don’t like stimulants in their pre-workouts and this is the stimulant-free version that is intended to be stacked with either AMPED-AF or CHARGED-AF. It can also be taken solo.
The Background on Steel Supplements
Steel Supplements are designed with your goals in mind. Build muscle, lose weight, stay more focused, get more sleep - they’ve got something for everyone. Clean, results-driven, no BS products that actually work.
Their claim is “We’re forged in Steel, backed by Science, and made in the USA. We are dedicated to using only the highest quality ingredients, devoted to helping you exceed your goals, and to push you past your fitness limitations!”
Steel Supplements do come across more of a ‘cool’ brand but their androgenic products do appear to be as strong as can be legally sold, and AMPED-AF is as stimulant-loaded as possible. The products come at a premier pricing, but you get what you pay for! As many user reviews would tell you, the products are high quality.
Are Steel Supplements Steroids?
No, Steel supplements prohormones are not steroids. However, these products especially the Androstenedione based testosterone boosters do work extremely well. When you consume andro prohormone supplement, eg. 1-Andro, the enzyme in the liver acts on the molecular structure of Andro and from this reaction it converts, in a completely natural process, the andro into testosterone.
As we previously mentioned, Steel products are far stronger than anything else you’ll find on the market. Especially the legal prohormones such as 1-Andro, 4-Andro, and Epiandrosterone.
User reviews
Review 1
I have been very satisfied with the Steel Supplements products. They are one of a kind and will definitely help you and your physique reach the next level. Yes, they are quite expensive but I consider them to be worth every penny. High-quality products will give high-quality results.
Review 2
I’ve been lifting 8 years and cycled thru plenty of pre-workouts, pump stimulants, proteins and other items. These are my reviews on Steel Supplements Products I’ve tried almost all of Steels products and the various flavors as well. Amped AF - Great PWO, tried both flavors both were good. Great focus throughout the lift session. Definitely my favorite pwo that I’ve ever taken to date. 10/10 Pumped AF - As far as pump stims go this is great. Definitely more solid and full during my workout. Both flavors are good. 10/10 Rested AF - This product I did notice a difference in my sleep but it was minimal. Taste of fruit punch though 100 ??6/10 Focused AF - Definitely wakes me up and helps me stay in the game. Would recommend to anyone who has some trouble staying awake and focused throughout the day. 8/10 Bcaa - Dosed well and both flavors taste really good as well. As far as BCAAs go 8/10 Adabolic- I take this intra mixed with my BCAAs. Both flavors of this product are good. I do feel I workout with more energy when stacking this with Amped and Pumped. 8/10 Whey - Snickerdoodle and Strawberry flavors are both dank AF. Mixes extremely well. 9/10
I would definitely recommend these products to everyone. My only complaint is the prices. There’s steep products then there are expensive products. These are definitely in the expensive category. I feel these should be on average $10-15 dollars cheaper depending on the product.
Review 3
Feels like Steel Supplements are a little over priced for what you are getting. There are other products out there with just as few sides for less than 2/3’d of the price. Sides of 1-Andro and 4-Andro will vary person to person. 2 people I know had different sides, and one was acne and mood swings. For some people, Steel supplements 1-andro and 4-andro don’t even have any significant side effects.
Review 4: Steel Supplements Adabolic (ADA2Bolic Workout Recovery Aid)
First the cons: it tastes terrible, I am sure it hard to flavor all of these ingredients however it tastes terrible I only tried the cotton candy. With that said It’s taken for effects and the effects are great. I’ll add MTS machine fuel Amino acids watermelon to it which helps w flavor and added aminos. 2nd and last con, can upset stomach. I’ll eat some crackers or banana on way to the gym if I take this Supplement
Pros: the pros outweigh the cons. steel adabolic does what it says. Everyone is different so any supplement will effect other differently. I’ll sip it as an intra workout. It seems to warm the body. Keeps the muscles pumped as it states thus allowing more nutrients to the body. I have a heck of a lot more energy and I feel stronger for longer. As for recovery I need to keep using for a true opinion however it’s well worth the money to me and works as stated.
Review 5: Steel Supplements Shredded-AF
Shredded-AF is a high quality, top tier fat burner. This thing is no joke. Very powerful thermogenic that you can only gauge by using it for yourself. I got amazing results within the first couple of weeks and I would recommend this product to anyone. The energy and mental focus combined with the appetite control makes this a product you do not want to miss when losing fat! This product is amazing to stack with 1-Andro or a Test Booster like STEEL Alpha AF.
We all know that a high quality androstenedione supplement like Steel Supplements 1-andro is closest thing to steroid, although it’s NOT something magical, but people have been seeing good results on it if they are able to cope up with side-effects.
However, other compounds such as 4-androstenediol and natural HGH supplements are probably good options to stack with Steel Supplements’ andro supplement for raising growth hormone, Testosterone and overall anabolic environment in the body. Some of the “nor” products may also have their uses.
Though it’s perfectly possible androstenedione won’t turn out to be the wonder supplement some companies make it out to be, as many of us have always suspected. But, so many positive user reviews of STEEL’s andro supplements for bodybuilding is quite encouraging news for people looking for androstenedione prohormone for sale in the market.