What to expect from the weather at the Western Idaho Fair this weekend

August 2024 · 1 minute read

The Western Idaho Fair starts tomorrow, so if you're looking to be there this weekend, here's a quick look at how the weather is going to be.

While Wednesday marked the 20th day of triple-digit temperatures this year and Thursday has a possibility of being the 21st at 99 degrees, the temperature on Friday is expected to drop to a cooler 94 degrees.

The weekend's temperature will steadily pick up after Friday, with Saturday getting to 96 and Sunday going back to 98 degrees.

Besides some partly cloudy weather on Friday, the weekend is expected to be pure sunshine.

The weather won't be quite as hot as some previous summer days, but temperatures will still be mid-high nineties.

Always make sure to prepare for the weather, and have fun at the fair!
